17 Sep Me and the Microbe
It’s heartwarming to hear family, friends and neighbors ask “How are you doing?” and mean it.
So far, so good, is my answer. I’m asymptomatic, taking all the recommended precautions, and adding a few of my own (such as sniffing Stubb’s Bar-B-Q Sauce every morning, to test my sense of smell).
So far, me and the microbe are doing just fine.
The same cannot be said of the art world, alas.
According to a new study, The Impact of COVID-19 on the Gallery Sector, art galleries’ sales are down by 36%. Many galleries (33%) have downsized; most (93%) were closed during the pandemic; and a considerable number (33%) remain at risk of permanent closure before year’s end.
Nonetheless, 75% of collectors bought art through galleries during the pandemic—37% of it on line. Online shopping, unfortunately, has given rise to a new malady among collectors, “JPEG fatigue.”
And galleries are only contributing to collectors’ weariness. During the pandemic, they boosted their website content by 72% and their social media content by 69%.
However—JPEG fatigue notwithstanding—most collectors (87%) visited galleries’ websites during the pandemic, and many (41%) bought artworks there.
Many collectors (59%) also report that Covid-19 has increased their interest in buying art (that number jumps to 70% among Millennial collectors). Altogether—adding sales on line, at galleries, at fairs, and in private—the vast majority of collectors of all ages (92%) bought art during the pandemic.
Now, if you’re screaming “TMI!” I can’t blame you. TMI causes stress and can lead to anxiety, low self-esteem, memory loss, poor decision-making, and a lack of productivity.
The good news? Among the best antidotes to stress, scientists say, is viewing art.
So I encourage you to view my latest paintings here, now, thoroughly, and safely.
And by all means be among the 41% of collectors who buy original art on line.
How are you doing?